The Catholic Community of Sullivan County Pennsylvania
There are many great ways to get involved in the administration of our parish. Look at some of the opportunities below to see what you might like to help with.
Give us a hand to count the weekly collection. This is a very special volunteer opportunity with big responsibility. Our office manager offers training for all new volunteers. Janet Wheeler is our coordinator. Please see our contact form below if you'd like to know more.
Filing is so critical to keeping our parish records in tip top shape. From every day filing to managing our church archives, it's all part of our history. Please see our contact form below if you'd like to know more.
Keeping accurate parish records is vital to our sacramental history. A person who is interested in keeping our records books should enjoy and have great handwriting. Please see our contact form below if you'd like to know more.
Our parish runs five raffles annually. Three calendar raffles, cash raffle for the annual picnic, and annual bazaar. These fundraisers require teams of workers to prepare large mailings. Our office manager and coordinator Kathy Dymond are happy to provide training for all new volunteers. Please see our contact form below if you'd like to know more.
Facebook has proven to be a great platform for our parish. If you're a Facebook power user and would like to participate in keeping our events updated please fill out the form below.